Monday, January 28, 2013

Where are the Wilsons?

There was a time when both Luke and Owen Wilson were in multiple movies each year. Luke would often be cast as the rom-com leading man, while Owen was the quirky comedy guy.

Both had memorable performances in hit movies. Luke was in the Charlie's Angels series, "The Royal Tenenbaums," "Legally Blonde," and "My Super Ex-Girlfriend." Owen was often the hilarious sidekick or antagonist in his roles in "Zoolander," the "Meet the Parents" series, "Night at the Museum," and "You, Me and Dupree."

Recently, though, I don't see any of the Owen brother's on screen. Which is a waste since they're both very talented.

Where's "Zoolander 2" or a new Charlie's Angels movie when you need it.

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