Sunday, January 06, 2013

More of Fr. Dave's wisdom

It's been more than a month since I last heard mass at EDSA Shrine. The past masses I heard were at OLPH Parish which is nearer the house.

Today, I decided to go back to EDSA Shrine and was lucky because Fr. Dave was officiating the mass. It's been a while since I heard his homilies, and miss his combination of scripture, relevance and humor.

Being the first Sunday mass of 2013, the theme of his homily was about turning a new leaf this new year. His homily was so rich with insight and facts, including the 4 types of people: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and digital.

But what struck me most was his final word for the parish goers, which also served as his wish for everyone who attended the mass. He said:

"This 2013, strive for growth, not just change." 

Fr. Dave continued on to say: "The truth is, you can change but not grow. But if you grow, you will always change."

Wonderful and wise words to start the new year with.

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