Que Horror! While commuting home, there was someone riding the MTR wearing THIS! Acid-washed jeans! OMG! SOMEBODY IS ACTUALLY WEARING ACID-WASHED JEANS IN HONG KONG!
This would have been utterly forgiveable if we were in, hmmmm... 1987. After all, that time, acid-washed jeans were all the rave. Paired with a Generra shirt, Khumbela backpack and Sperry Topsiders, you'd probably be one of the most fashionable people in Manila. Everybody HAD to have a pair of these really pale blue babies, and most often, it had the words "Get Used" silkscreened on them. The concept that time was these were previously used jeans, and that's why they're so faded. So yes, acid-washed jeans had their time in the 80s.
But it's 2006! Hello! Wake up and smell the Tall Mocha Americano for Courtney!
We're in the age of Antik Denim, D Squared, True Religion, Energie, Gas and Paige Premium Denim. We're in the age of raw denim, vintage wash, indigo wash, and distressed denim. Why, oh why, will you wear acid-washed jeans?
The thing is, the person wearing these jeans was a 12-13 year old boy, which means his pair of jeans are probably new. Which means somewhere around the world, someone is still producing new acid washed jeans and selling them. Which means that people are actually buying them. Which means this boy wouldn't be the last person I'll see wearing acid-washed jeans!
Heck, even if they become the biggest fad in the world, and even if Gap or Zara makes their own version of acid-washed jeans, that is one pair that I won't touch with a million foot pole. That's scary.
But what's scarier is the thought that tomorrow, I might ride with someone in the MTR, and i'll see her wearing a loose blouse with shoulder pads.
Que Horror indeed!
what are you looking up boy? their butts or their jeans?
Trust me, it was their jeans. That's how fanatical I get when it comes to denim.
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