Saturday, April 07, 2012

Work in progress

I'd like to say that I'm a pretty dynamic person. In most aspects at least.

Even as a student, I'd be excited by new things and would welcome change with open arms. In fact, when I was with the yearbook committee in college, our yearbook was called "Transitions." Our batch had one thing in common, we embraced change and we made it a point to constantly update ourselves.

It's a mindset that I carried with me in my first job. Advertising is a very dynamic industry, and more so if you're in the creative department. That's why we were always encouraged to watch reels of award winning ads, year after year after year. Not to mention poring through different awards annuals - all in the sake of dynamic thinking and creative progress.

And while I carried that dynamism with me up until now, there's one thing that I wasn't able to update for 6 years.

The look of this blog.

I guess it's mainly because my blog is more a repository of thoughts and experiences. And because there's something new almost everyday, I'd like something to remain constant all throughout. And that's the blog's template. That green and orange template that I chose when I first opened this blog in 2005. (Well, it's the 3rd, if I'll be technical about it.)

But today, almost 7 years since I wrote my first entry, I'm changing this blogs template. Honestly, I wasn't planning on doing it, but since blogger had this bulletin that they'll be changing the templates anyway, I thought, "Heck, let's go with it!"

In 30 minutes, I actually changed the look about 6 times. Part of me was still looking for the look and feel of the old template. And part of me wanted to try something totally new.

This is what I've settled for at the moment. But this isn't where the process will stop. I'm happy with some portions of the blog (the font, basically), but I'm still looking for the overall look that'll suit my personality. The way the first template did.

And until I find that overall look, this is going to be a work in progress.

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