Friday, April 13, 2012

FMM: In the Zone

Okay. So it's Friday the 13th today.

Because of all those urban legends, movies and all the other scary events that incidentally happened on this date, people are actually freaked out by Friday the 13th. So much so that I feel bad for Friday the 13th. It now has a bad rap, along with November 1.

But that's how culture is, and culture dictates that today is going to be eerie.

So, it's Friday Magic Madness day and Friday the 13th at the same time. This calls for an old song that has an eerie feel to it.

This is a job for The Manhattan Transfer.

(video courtesy of youtube)

"Twilight Zone" has come to symbolize all things eerie, scary and amusing. And since these words also describe Friday the 13th, it's a perfect match.

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