Friday, February 17, 2012

FMM: Major birthday

When we were growing up, my brother Biboy and I were the quintessential cat and dog duo. We would fight a lot, and those fights would sometimes be phenomenal in scale. Aside from having fist fights, we'd sometimes chase each other with hammers and 2x2 wood blocks. Then, there was the occasional flushing of personal items and toy sabotage.

As we grew older, we mellowed down. And by the time we were in college, we were back to being buds.

There was a point when we shared a room, and one thing I remember about Biboy is that he enjoyed listening to New Wave music. And one of this favorite songs was "Major Tom" by Peter Schilling.

Today is Biboy's birthday, and he's all the way out in Atlanta. So, to celebrate his birthday, I'm putting on this major tune for him.

Happy Birthday, Biboy! Here's to more adventures and blessings ahead.

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