Cool beans! After having my first official guests over at my flat, I received my first housewarming present.
Joey, Jon and Gabbi gave me this funky red mirror from Ikea before they left last Sunday. This will surely be a tres useful gift since there is a conspicuous absence of a big mirror at home. Yup, in 6 months of living here, i've survived with 2 small, desktop mirrors and no full length one. Needless to say, I never get to check my outfits out. Thankfully, my imagination and spatial intelligence is advance enough, so it really isn't needed.
The reason i've held back on buying a large mirror is the fact that it's difficult to transport. Imagine having to bring a 3 feet mirror down the MTR station, inside the MTR train, and up the MTR station again. Just thinking about it is enough deterrent for me. That's why it's funny when Joey and Jon told me that they had the same difficulty bringing the mirror home. But of course, I appreciate the effort, very, very, very much.
So now, I've got a big, red mirror at home. It's cool, it's useful, and it matches the color scheme of my bedroom. Heck, if all guests will be bringing presents like these everytime they visit, i wouldn't mind having visitors every other week!
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