Monday, July 18, 2005

It's 6:00! Let's party!

This is something awaited by a number of people here at the office. At around 6pm, one of our officemates pops open a bottle of wine, and the cocktail party atmosphere immediately pervades around the office.

We gather at one of the rooms, crank up the iPod with 70s and 80s ditties, and just talk about anything and everything: from movies, apartment, our respective countries, hot girls, living in another country, and yes, the occasional project.

My officemates are beginning to tell me that I have the makings of a wine addict. The moment I hear the cork pop, I immediately head to the pantry to get my goblet. Then we sit back, listen to "Ring my Bell" and just cut loose. I've learned that this is a great way to get to know my new officemates better, and just bond.

This is one office routine that I think i'll get used to.

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