Harvey Nichols just opened at Pacific Place (they now occupy the space vacated by Seibu) and their window displays are just top notch. I spent almost an hour just admiring each tableau and looking at how much detail they put into each one.
Here are my favorites among the lot:
Here's the men's fashion tableau. It has this humungous pair of jeans as the central focal point.
But upon closer scrutiny, the jeans are actually measuring tapes woven to create that form.
Here's the women and children's section window which features a cute teddy bear.
And the teddy bear is made up of baby bottle nipples.
The beauty window has a gigantic make up brush that fills the entire space.
And when you look at it closely, the big make up brush is created by putting together smaller make up brushes.
What I like about it is the fact that they use everyday items and transform them into something more creative. Hats off to the concept team of Harvey Nichols for coming up with such interesting and creative window displays.
Wish we had something like this in Manila. (I think the closest we have to something like this is Rustan's Makati.)
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