The weather is a bit dreary here in Hong Kong and if you ask any resident, they'll tell you that the best way to beat the blues is to hit the mall. That's what I did this lunchtime. And the mall of choice today was Cityplaza so I could eat at my newest favorite eating place: Food Republic!
I've had a craving for Indian food since this weekend, but wasn't able to eat any. My friends from Manila were here, so we had to constantly eat Chinese food, with a bit of Italian and McDonald's somewhere in between. Since Food Republic has a good Indian kiosk, I quickly queued and had the Indian lunch i've been craving for.

Today's special was fish curry. But as curries go, they all look alike. It's the same dark brown glop with potatos floating around. Frankly, it was too salty and the fish was a bit rancid.

But despite that, it was saved by my mostest favoritest Indian staple of all: Nan Bread!

Yay! Nan Bread! Nan Bread!
I've been eating Nan Bread for ages, even while I was in Manila. (Thanks to Swagat and Bombay Kitchen) but Nan Bread didn't appeal to me that time. Well, Indian food as a whole didn't appeal to me that much. Maybe it was because there were too many Jollibee stores and that would always be the priority. But after moving here, I developed a love for Indian food: from curry, to roti, to tika, and of course, Nan.
Even if the curry wasn't too thick, I relished dipping the Nan bread in it, and in less than half an hour, I was stuffed. So I proceeded to walk around Cityplaza and check out the new shops. (Uniqlo just opened! Wooha!) My meandering was sidetracked by a concert where an orchestra from a boy's school was performing.

Snaps to Cityplaza for a nifty stage. Their theme this year is Broadway, and they perform excerpts from popular shows like Cats and Chicago on weekends.
The orchestra wasn't bad - still a bit rough around the edges, but entertaining nonetheless. It was great to hear them playing my favorite song: "It's a small world after all." A few songs later, they shifted to Christmas mode and started playing carols. Kauffman Christmas choir these kids ain't. Nonetheless, hearing familiar holiday tunes 11 days before Christmas day is great.

They started to play "O Holy Night" and it was accompanied by a singer (who I can't find! Strange...) By the middle of the song, my homesickness started to kick in and my tears were already looking for a ride up my tear ducts. Needless to say, I had to go before that happens.
Yeah... it happens to us here in jail too. When I sing Christmas songs, the girls tell me to stop because it makes them long for home.
I think the season of Christmas amplifies the longing for home.
I have also found a liking for Indian food recently, right when I moved to Oslo where Indian restaurants are aplenty. Love Naan bread, tikka masala, and mango chutney!
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