Saturday, May 02, 2020

Maroon in Multiples

Or, "Things you find when you're not looking for it, part 3."

This weekend's find came about while I was looking for a book I bought sometime last year. I knew it was in the attic, so that's where I went. And while the book was found, there was another item from the attic that saw the light.

It was this long, maroon jersey dress from The Florence Fling, bought sometime in September last year.

The nice thing about this dress - aside from the fabric and the color - is the cut. It's a classic t-shirt dress with a high, round neck, short sleeves, and as an added "oomph," it had a cascading sash at the back which flowed nicely in the wind.

Here's the thing with that sash. Initially, it was just created as a nice design detail for the otherwise straightforward dress. But while I was trying to fold the dress, the realization came that the sash could actually be used in different ways to make the same dress look different.


The sash can be a belt to accentuate the waist, a "sweater sleeve" to wrap around the shoulder, creating that cardigan look, and finally, a full scarf that could cover the entire arms and bodice in case things get a bit chilly.

Yes, all these just came to me while I was trying to fold the dress.

Oh, the things you think of when you're just at home.

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