Monday, May 11, 2020

Fresh Prince

One of my favorite Disney animated films is "Aladdin." In fact, I had a VHS tape (VHS? Look it up, kids!) of that film bought in the U.S. so I could watch it over and over and over again.

Despite the fact that I've seen it so many times, I would still laugh at the same parts, sing the same songs, laugh at the same jokes, and feel the same thrill in the end.

This love for the animated film makes me feel quite odd that I never got to watch its live action version. I don't know why I never got around to watching it, but I never did. Curious.

Seeing this clip, the "Prince Ali" song, made me even more curious about the film. And yes, Will Smith is the genie in this film, and Will Smith was the lead in "The Prince of Bel Air." A Prince singing about a Prince? Interesting...

Maybe I should look for it and watch it while we're still stuck at home.

And yes, I'm sure I can't find it on VHS.

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