Saturday, May 09, 2020

Green and Greek

So, here are some of the first items that came in from Zalora while we're still on Quarantine.

They were 3 pieces, and all imported ones at that. The reason it took them a long time to deliver it - in contrast to some items that they can deliver 24 hours after you order them - is that they had to ship the items from SG and MY. The airport shutdowns around the SEA regions made it difficult for the items to arrive. But eventually - almost 2 months after - they did.

The first item is this one-shouldered fitted dress in a beautiful shade of Emerald Green.

It's very streamlined and modern, and it has grommets! There's 1 in front and 2 at the back, and that's where you attach the separate straps.

Then, there's this flirty, flouncy dress with a lot of ruffles, a lot of joie-de-vivre, and a lot of attitude. And yes, it's also a one-shoulder dress in Emerald Green.

Just as the title states, these are 2 fairly different dresses with 2 things in common. And I'm so glad they finally made it here.

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