Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Ham it up!

Here's another discovery thanks to the Zalora Essentials ordering and delivery system. It's on top of the Juss juice that I wrote about a few days ago.

And no, it's not a garment.

They're chips!

Just like Juss, it's my first time to hear about "Real Hand Cooked Crisps," which is an English brand of Potato Crisps. Aside from it being very light and crunchy, what drew me to it are the unique flavours that they offer.

I bought the Ham and English Mustard, plus the Sea Salt and Black Pepper. Later on, I found out that they have other flavours like Sweet Chilli, Sea Salt and Malt Vinegar, Steak and Ale, and - get this - Roast Ox!


Quality-wise, they're really good. They feel and taste very gourmet, like Terra Chips. So they get a two-potato crisp covered thumbs-up from me.

And like Juss, something tells me I'm ordering more of these yummy potato crisps from Zalora soon.

(Oh wait! I already did!)

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