Thursday, May 14, 2020

Biz-y Busy

With no time wasted in walking and commuting, there are actually more hours in a day to work. Although the downside is, this Work-From-Home arrangement basically throws Work-Life balance out of the window. (How can you balance work and life when work and life are now one and the same? Harhar!)

The upside is, there's actually more time to do work. And there's more work that's done. So, above the usual workload that I've been doing, I'm able to do some passion projects during downtime. Projects like layouts, logos and other design projects I can sink my teeth into.

Just like these ones I did for my sibs' businesses:

Because of all these, it seems to me like work is more busy now that I'm working from home.

And I'm liking it that way.

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