Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Say what?

Last week, when they crowned another WGWG as the new American Idol, this news article came out on the internet a few minutes after.

After reading it, all I had to remark: "Say what?" It says that Phillip is the "fikst" WGWG.

I know they were trying to say "fifth", or were they trying to say "first?" In any case, the writer must've been groggy, and the proofreader must've been lazy. Because once again, an error has appeared on an internet news item.

Proofreaders, please do your job right. You're giving Journalism graduates a bad name.

(And since it's been a week since the finale, and the brouhaha has died down, let me say that I actually wanted Phillip Philips to win.) *duck*

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