Friday, October 26, 2007

Back and Forth and Forth and Back

If my apartment hasn't been cleaned thoroughly the past month, it's because I haven't been there in a bit. The month of October has now broken the "most trips to Manila I've had in a month" record. It's my 4th trip this month, and it's bizaare how I find myself at the airport so often.

So far, this has been my schedule the past 3 weeks:

Flew in to Manila on a Friday and flew back to HK on Tuesday.
Flew back to Manila on Thursday and flew back to HK on Monday.
Flew back to Manila on Wednesday and flying back to HK on Sunday.

Was planning to fly back again this weekend, and it's a trip I've been planning for quite sometime now. That would mean another round of back and forth and forth and backs, though.

Maybe i'll pay attention to the apartment first this weekend.

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