Yes, the last time we did this was around 4 years ago when Rachelle was flying off and moving to Australia. That portrait - taken by Xander Angeles - was our big souvenir and going away present. After all the oohs and ahhs, we made a vow to have another portrait once everyone is in Manila again.
A lot has happened within those 4 years: Claire and Oboy got married then eventually moved to New Jersey, Rommel and I were posted abroad, we had 5 Christmas parties for streetkids, and of course, Rachelle had Seb, her long awaited baby boy.
Christmas 2006 was special because everyone agreed to come home to accomplish 3 things: 1. See Seb, 2. Throw the traditional streetkids Christmas party with everyone in attendance, and 3. Have our reunion portrait taken. A month before the red letter dates, emails were already flying all around asking for details, inquiring about the beneficiaries (who can forget the "Bilibid Prison fiasco", and more importantly, what were we going to wear for the class portrait.
After a long discussion thread, we decided on this "just come as whatever you want" theme Since everyone was from advertising, it was no surprise that people did come as "whatever." Just like our personalities, the outfits were diverse, spontaneous, mish-mashed and downright insane. Efren, the photographer, was wide eyed and laughing the entire time because we were like a bunch of people who had too much Prozac. No one sat still, people were bouncing off walls, and more importantly, everybody was unmistakably happy.
Why wouldn't we be? After 4 years, 13 good friends now spread in 4 different countries have finally gathered to celebrate a friendship that has spanned more than a decade. And that's no ordinary friendship - it's a friendship that's picture perfect.

you have the coolest outfit in the bunch. :)
Thanks, Mark. It was a futile attempt at the rock/punk/grunge look. Fortunately it turned out quite well.
But if they had H&M here and I had the same Viktor & Rolf blazer that you have, that's definitely what I would wear. (Lucky you!)
Happy New Year!
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