Friday, July 07, 2006

Country Confusion

I've spent 3 different times of the day in three different countries today.

I woke up in Manila after spending 5 days for a shoot. And no matter where in the world i've been, nothing compares to waking up in your own country. It's so nice to look out the window and watch the early morning rush at Ayala.

Then I had to fly out before lunch back to Hong Kong. The reason being I had to go back to the office to pick up some documents and my ticket that would take me to Bangkok with later this afternoon. So my afternoon was spent running from the airport to the airport express station to the MTR to the flat to the airport express station to the airport. Made it on time, actually I arrived a bit earlier so I was able to send more emails.

Now, it's almost 11 in the evening and I'm in my room in Bangkok. (Nay, it's not a room, it's a gorgeous suite! Must take photos and post them for posterity.) I'll be ending my evening here, and have to get up at 4:00am to go to Pakchong for more work.

One day, three airports, three countries. I should really be getting used to this because i've been living this life for the longest time. But somehow, I still get disoriented each time.

And of course, it makes me miss home so much more.

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