Friday, July 15, 2022

FMM: Rock & Rawls

Who doesn't know the iconic voice of Lou Rawls?

His voice is so distinct. So, buttery-soft and smooth. He sings in a way that's commanding yet calming. People will also say that his voice is very sensual. Which is true.

While he's best known for songs like "You'll never find another love like mine," that's not the song that made me familiar with his work.

And you'll be surprised at what song first made me familiar with Lou Rawls. It's the song for today's Friday Magic Madness:

Yes, it's a song from the cartoon show "Garfield."

As a kid, I'd watch the old Garfield animated series, and one episode featured this song. Once it played, I couldn't help but ask: "Who is this singer?" After finding out who, everything was history.

Thanks to Garfield, here comes Lou Rawls again.

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