Friday, July 01, 2022

FMM: Always a Favorite

Recently, Julie Andrews was given a Lifetime Achievement Award by the American Film Institute. And while watching it, I was grinning ear-to-ear with joy.

Julie Andrews is one of the most wholesome, charismatic and joyful actresses in Hollywood. 

These are also words that can describe the roles she played, from the start of her career to her more recent work. 

Wholesome, charismatic and joyful best describes her roles from Mary Poppins in the film of the same title, to Maria Von Trapp in "Sound of Music." From the dual roles of Victor/Victoria in the film of the same title, to her royal turn as Queen Clarisse Marie Renaldi in "The Princess Diaries."

But among her many films, one that's going to be always close to my heart is "Sound of Music." I've watched this film countless times, I've been on the "Sound of Music tour" in Salzburg, Austria, and yes, I've sang a song from that film, too.

When we were in the LSQC choir, one of the first songs we performed was "My Favorite Things." It's a song that I know to heart until now, and that's why it's going to be today's Friday Magic Madness song.

It's a classic and the feels are the same now as it was then.

Julie Andrews and this song. Truly 2 of my favourites!

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