Saturday, April 04, 2020

When will I G.U. again

Mark and I were talking about our previous Holy Weeks in Tokyo and how much we missed it. From our long walks from the Ropponggi Eki to the church to hear Mass, to our quick stopovers in the nearby convenience stores to grab something to drink. From dinner in Komoro Soba to watching religious films on youtube before going to sleep. From praying the rosary to the joy of the Easter Vigil Mass. There's just so many, so many things to miss.

We were planning to go back to Tokyo this year. Originally, we were thinking that we could do it during the Olympics, or after. But given the current state of the world, and how Japan has barred entry for foreigners from 73 countries - the Philippines included - I'm not sure when will that happen. (I'm sure it will, I'm just not sure when.)

So, until then, I'll just look back at old photos of our trips to the park, museum visits, train rides, meals both Japanese and Western, picnics, Hanamis, and of course, walks to Ginza to see G.U.!

Gosh, I wonder when will I get to visit G.U. again. Checking out their website makes me miss it some more. I'm just fortunate that they have branches in HKG and Seoul. So even if Japan is still closed to foreigners, there are other G.U.s that I can visit.

Hopefully, I can G.U. soon!

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