Sunday, April 19, 2020


It happens to the best and rest of us.

We're typing on the computer. We type the first 3 letters of the word we're thinking of. And without us knowing it, the computer auto-corrects the word. And that auto-correction - which we didn't notice - turns the sentence into an erroneous one.

Ah yes, the irony of it all. The correction leads to an error.

Methinks this is what happened to this article that I ran across on-line.

I'm sure the author was thinking "important." I'm sure the author wanted to write "important." I'm sure the writer thought he typed "important."

Apparently not. After typing the first three letters, "imp," I think the computer auto-corrected. Or it went on predictive typing mode. And because of that, what you now have is an "importation" rather than an "important" thing.

Proofreader, please!

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