Monday, August 10, 2009

High Fidelity

It started out as a brainstorming lunch for Grace's Dad's 80th birthday, and ended up as a conversation about old songs that defined his generation. I couldn't get past the thought that "Dandansoy" was part of his list of favorites.

Because Grace's Dad's name is Fidel, I suddenly remembered this popular song from the 80s. Once again, youtube came to the rescue because it turns out they had a video of their song in their archives.

"High Fidelity" always brings back lots of memories of my childhood. In particular, it reminds me of that time when I was a little boy and we'd spend summer in Bicol. They would play this song a lot on the radio while we'd be hanging out in the tent at night with my parents, siblings, titos and titas, and our cousins. They were such great memories, that it's no wonder why I still get a high whenever I hear this.

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