Wow! I haven't been buying jeans the past two months! Well, there's an asterisk there somewhere. I have been buying jeans, but they're for my nephews and not for myself.
This evening, I was accompanying Karen to Zara and helping her find a dress for her party. We dropped by the men's area and saw these 2 pairs of jeans that were on sale.
Honestly, I've never been the "slim fit" kinda guy, much more the "super slim fit" type. I'll take straight fit jeans or boot cut ones anytime. But Karen egged me to "just try it on" because she was curious how "super" it was. So, I did. And when I came out of the dressing room, she exclaimed: "Oh my God. You look like a bada** rockstar."
I put it back on the rack and for the next 20 minutes, Karen was egging me to buy it because it fits me really well. And on hindsight, she was right. With the "fits me well" part and not the "bada** rockstar" portion.
Ergo, my two months of non-jean purchasing has ended today. My closet welcomes two more additions to my perpetually growing jean family.
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