Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The waiting game

The worst part of attending a shoot is all the waiting that's going on. This is especially the case for extras on set. Imagine, they have to sit around for more than 12 hours, then they'll have their camera time for about 15 minutes. Then, to add insult to injury, they'll be edited out on the final material.

We, too, need to wait. But at least we can use that waiting time quite productively. We can think of new ads during downtime, so we're actually working while working. This might sound pathetic, but it isn't as bad as it sounds.

Then again, if I look back at this waiting game, there's a glaring fact that needs to be said: While waiting, extras are paid to do nothing while we're paid to do more work over our already loaded plate.

I guess it's obvious who's getting the better deal.

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