Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Rude Awakening

It was one of those multi-dreamed nights. The dreams weren’t connected to one another, and they numbered quite a lot. I couldn’t remember all of them, although I remember one involving a Minotaur who was trying to help me escape a house. There were a couple of people in my dreams: Erwin was there, so was a nephew. One of the dreams involved me living in the house of Tita Tere – a close family friend. It was night time, and she was about to lock the house, but I needed to go out and get my toothbrush. So out I went, and saw some of my childhood friends playing in the yard, and realized I missed them. Blank. Then it was a new dream where Erwin and I were walking in some dark alley of some remote province and he was telling me which places to visit. Blank. Another dream where I was immobilized and was trying my best to move, but found great difficulty in doing so.

Then I woke up. It was 5:30 am, which means 5 hours of sleep.

Tossed and turned and tried to go back to sleep. Couldn’t. So off to the living room to read some magazines, hoping that it would lull me back to slumber land. Sheesh! I shouldn’t have left my computer at the office. It would have been a good time to watch the other DVDs that Melvin lent me. Ended up reading more magazines.

Then, it was 6:45 am. It must be because it’s winter, but it was still very dark outside despite the time.

Decided to lie in bed again. Then fell asleep. A dreamless sleep this time.

Then, I woke up again. It was 9:00 am, which means I’ll be late for work today.

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