Monday, October 10, 2005

All grown up. All funked out.

Bought Charlotte Church’s new album “Tissues and Issues” today, and it’s so exciting to see her all grown up. I’ve been a follower of hers since she exploded into the scene with her angelic voice and ethereal renditions of popular church hymns. That means I’ve been listening to her since her “The Prayer” days.

It seems to me those days are behind her. From the CD cover, to the magazine covers she’s been gracing recently, it seems that she’s shifting from virgin to vamp.

Décolletage revealing dresses, wind swept hair, dark make up, and a come-hither expression is what I’ve been seeing her do these past few months. Maybe Charlotte is trying to fill in a niche since Britney is now a mommy, Christina’s getting a bit old, Lindsay and Hillary are bordering on bubblegum and Jessica is better seen than heard. She must have noticed a vacancy in the “pop siren” division, and is trying to fill in the void.

But unlike most of the girls mentioned above, Charlotte can really sing! Her pristine voice, doing ditties laced with angst, gives her songs an extra oomph. Listening to her is almost like listening to an irony. A good irony, at that.

My favorite tracks are “Crazy Chick” and “Let’s be alone.” I instantly fell in love with “Let’s be alone,” that I decided to use it in my latest commercial. It helps that the product we’re selling is pretty much like the new Charlotte Church: young, feminine but with a sexy vibe that guys find irresistible.

I know I do.

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