Compared to the jeans i've been buying in the past, these ones look pretty boring. No distressed details. No patches. No prints. No fading. They're just your good ole "boy next door" blue jeans. So why did I buy them? The fit and construction are utterly and undeniably fabulous.
The waist, though not very low, falls somewhere between the 1st and 2nd hip. So if I'm feeling a little bit risque, all I need to do is to give it a little tug - and voila - "dangerously low waist" jeans. The leg is cut straight and very linear, as an added bonus, it's cut close to the body. This skimming effect gives me the illusion of added height. (I can almost hear my friends say: "what do you need that for? You're tall.) I also like the hem which has a little roughed-up edge, and the fact that it has the perfect length. When I'm wearing my Chuck's, they fall exactly on the ground - no more, no less. This is great because I don't have to trip all over them. (Unlike my favorite Lee D-strukt jeans.)
Oh, there's a quirky detail near the butt pocket - a little belt at the back - in case you lost a little weight since you bought them.
I loved this pair so much that I bought 2: one in deep navy, and one in black. The black one is my first pair of black jeans in eons. But with a fit like that, I'd buy it in any color - even pink!
Since we're on the subject, they do have pink jeans at TH. I don't think i've got enough fashion power to wear them, so while they look cool, I thought it best to stay away - far away from them.
They've got new stocks at Maple and Outlet 100, and they've got a new stash of Zanadi Jeans.

I was able to get 2 pairs: one was this plain medium wash denim that looked plain up front, but from behind, you have this elaborate embroidery of a mermaid amidst a floral paradise. One look and I was bowled over! I knew Ate Bullet would look spectacular on those. The second one had floral embroidery, beadwork, and steel rivets scattered all over the waist and leg area. It channeled those Abercrombie and Fitch designer denims - at a fraction of the original price.
Aside from those two, I also bought a pair of Request jeans - and these are BAD-ASS-ROCKER-CHICK jeans. It was fully painted with swallows and pierced hearts, and had the word "Request" painted then embroidered around the back hip area. Then there was a pair of Rush jeans that didn't have a waist band - i'd call these the DAMN-I'M-SEXY-COME-HITHER-AND-DROOL-AT-ME jeans. I bought a black belt to go with that - and i'm sure this ensemble will give my sister another round of looks. (Add to the tons she already gets.)
I should really change careers and work as a buyer and/or stylist. I'm getting really good at buying clothes and creating looks for other people. Just ask Alfie and you'll know.
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