Tuesday, September 20, 2005


A few days after finally deciding to check out the little bakery in front of the office, I find myself addicted to two of their products.

The first one is their version of the "monggo-bread." It's this croissant-looking creation with swirls of red bean paste. It also has a sprinkling of peanuts and a generous dose of sesame seeds. This creates the right blend of sweetness that makes it excellent for breakfast of dessert.

The second one is a long, rectangular shaped soft bread. It looks like one of those submarine sandwich buns, although this is a bit flatter. It's filled with floss and beans (suspiciously Hunt's pork and beans tasting), and has a few peanuts here and there. This bread is great as merienda because it's like a very light sandwich with a sweet/salty kick.

I've been buying these two everyday for the past few days. I'm hoping my frequent visits will help me secure a discount in the near future.

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