Saturday, July 17, 2021

Tuc it in

Tuc Crackers is one of those products that constantly reminds me of my childhood.

This was a European brand, and whenever Tita Evelyn and her family would visit the Philippines, it was one of those things that they'd often bring. Along with Cola Cao Chocolate Drink and Haribo Gummy Bears.

I'd always look forward to this snack because it was very different from the crackers available in MNL back then. This one was very flaky, the flavour was unique, and it was great on its own.

Eventually, this brand became available in the country sometime in the 80s. I think it was imported by one of the local companies, but it didn't last that long. After a few months, Tuc was off the shelves which bummed me out.

Last week, while browsing the page of my snack haunt in Cubao, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that they had this:

Tuc Crisp!

We know what happened next, of course.

Yes, it's still as good and it still reminds me of my childhood.

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