Sunday, July 11, 2021

(Peanut) Butter makes it better

Growing up, Snickers was one of the chocolates that was the epitome of "all-American."

Whenever we'd receive a package from the US, Snickers would be part of that package. And the Morales kids would always be thrilled to get this chocolate that was oozing with caramel and peanuts. 

Sometimes, when our package from the US wasn't in MNL yet, we'd often go to "PX Shops" (Kids, look it up,) like Hyacinth and Orobelle to buy our stash. Because every bite of Snickers was really an experience.

Since Snickers was so iconic, whenever they would come up with new variants like Snickers Crisper, Snickers Strong, Snickers Almond, etc, I'd always go back to the original.

But this weekend, I discovered a variant from the haunt that brought together a classic (Snickers) and something I'm very fond of (Peanut Butter) - in one!

Tadaa! Snickers Peanut Butter!

Compared to the other variants, this is actually good! The peanut butter centre still keeps that nutty taste without it being to chunky. So, it's actually better than the other iterations I've tried before.

But still, I'll go for the original.

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