Friday, July 16, 2021

FMM: Mary's been there, too

Sometimes, I think Friday Magic Madness is ingrained in my mind too much that I'd randomly dream of really old songs.

These songs would either be part of the scene in my dream, or the song would just automatically play in my head while asleep.

This week, that song is actually a Friday Magic Madness song twice over. 

It's a very popular, very iconic and very cheesy song from the 70s, entitled "I've never been to me." Of course, most people know this as the song by Charlene, which was also an FMM song of mine 11 years ago.

But here's a little known trivia about this song. In 1982, a more upbeat and folksy version of the same song was sung by Mary Macgregor - another artist who's been on my FMM posts before. Yes, Mary sang "I've never been to me." And I have proof:

They may be 2 different artists, but the overall feel of this song is the same for both. Whether it's Mary or Charlene, this ditty is something you'd listen to on a long Sunday drive to a random place. It can also be the song playing in the background when you're just in the room, reading a magazine.

In any case, I'm okay to have been to me for both singers.

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