Thursday, April 29, 2021

Printed Matter: Boutique Batik

Having stayed in Indonesia for short assignments several times, I've always appreciated the intricacy and art that goes into their Batik prints.

During my trips there, I'd always bring home a few yards of that fabric. Whether it's for a men's shirt or a dress for Mom or the Ates, the beauty of the print would always shine through and make the garment be much more visually interesting.

That's why the first time this print popped up on my feed, my eyes were drawn to it. 

It had a batik feel to it, albeit more modern. It's like a traditional batik with a California boutique vibe.

That print, of course, is the material for this Elizabeth and James dress which is still part of the stash that Ate Lissa and Biboy sent early this year.

It's a perfect print - and dress - to welcome summer.

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