Sunday, August 09, 2020

Have a bite. Or Two-bites.

Two-bite brownies and cinnamon rolls are my go-to snacks when I visit SG. It's also my "pasalubong" of choice. In fact, my last run before going home is usually to Cold Storage to horde all the Two-bite products that I see.

They don't have these products in Manila, which is a bummer. But in my recent visit to the Landers Supermarket homepage, I found this:

Two-bite Salted Caramel Cupcakes!

Yup, they're from the same makers of the brownies and cinnamon rolls, but it's a totally different product.

But since it's from Two-bite, it immediately went to "add to cart."

Let's see if it's as good as the other Two-bite goodies!

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