Saturday, March 16, 2013

At 22

It's nice to listen to a Taylor Swift song that's not too heavy on angst or ex-boyfriend references. Her latest song - "22" - has that fun sound of Taylor's early years, but the lyrics are a bit more of Taylor now. (Yes, she can't help but make references to ex-boyfriends.)

After listening to the song several times, the question I asked myself was: "What was I doing at 22?"

At 22, I was:

- on my second job at San Miguel Corporation
- given my first management job
- handling a team composed of my Dad's old team members
- traveling to 3 countries in 1 month for work
- traveling around the Philippines for work
- editing my own videos
- making new friends who eventually became long-term friends who I still hang out a lot with up until now
- doing so many things at the same time, I would stay at the office until Sunday!

Gosh, it looks like a was a very busy 22-year old back then.

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