Since it's Kevin's 18th birthday, he's legally allowed to drink. So Ate Bullet and Raymond brought out the vodka, wine, and some other alcoholic beverage for everyone to enjoy. And judging by how everyone was hamming it up in front of the camera, there was a lot of enjoyment going around.

(Yes, the man in the Jabbawockeez mask is my Dad! He's our resident funny guy.)
The day after Kevin's birthday was my birthday, and we celebrated with a family dinner in Makati. It was a bigger group since Kuya Marv, Mark, my sister-in-law, and nieces were there as well. We had a nice dinner at Masas, then meandered around Greenbelt after. I think Mark now knows where the shopping gene came from as Dad was weaving in and out of stores the entire time.
Two days of birthdays is definitely something to be cheerful about. And there's one more November birthday to look forward to!
* December is the other "birthday-est" month with 3 celebrators as well - Mom, Dad and Ate Lissa.
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