The epiphany? It's been 10 years since I first bought a copy of this magazine, and I haven't missed an issue ever since.
It's quite easy to get hooked on the magazine. It's an easy read: light, funny, insightful and inspired. Their bevy of features, from personalities, parties, homes and fashion, are all very timely and interesting. Month after month, I read it from cover to cover, sometimes even re-reading it until the next issue hits the stand. And believe me, I actively look for the next month's issue on the stands.
Previously, Bufini was my source of In Style. Then it shifted to Mag:net. A few years ago, I decided to subscribe to the magazine via Emerald Headway, (the back issue promo was so irresistible) but I stopped because the issues arrive on the stand way earlier than the subscribed copy arrives at the office. While I was living in HKG, my source was HMV. For some strange reason, they sell it for a much lower price - about HK$20-25 less than in Page One or at great.
During extended travels abroad, I make it a point to look for the magazine. When we were in Mexico for almost 2 months, I'd relish our cross-border trips because that means I'd be able to buy the magazine in Texas. On my trips to Europe, first thing I'd look for at the airport was the latest issue. I've even resorted to reading its foreign issues - particularly the Spanish edition (to help me practice my Spanish) and the China edition (for the unique aesthetic.)
I've even formulated "economics by In Style" or monitoring the cost of the magazine in the countries I've been to. Hands down, it's cheapest in its mother land - the US. In Asia, the cheapest In Style is found in Hong Kong, followed by Singapore, then Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. Yup, it's pricier here compared to our ASEAN neighbors. But of course, it's way more expensive in Japan, not to mention difficult to find.
Yup, I think I've elevated it to a semi-obssession. Harhar. And who should I thank for this In Style addiction? It has to be Sheilah Marie! She introduced me to the magazine while we were officemates back in that white building along Vito Cruz. She'd always have In Style on her desk and I'd often browse it during downtime. (Which was few and far between.) Sheilah also introduced me to Delia's - but that's another story.
Amazingly, a lot of the magazines are still at home. There are issues dating back to 1999, and whenever I look at them, i'd chuckle at the photos and think to myself: "Whoa! That was stylish back then?" But of course, with the way trends seem to resurrect every 5 years or so, it'll just be a matter of time before the 90s come back to haunt us.
After following it for 10 years, I've noticed that trends, clothes, accessories and personalities do change - sometimes drastically, other times just a teeny-tiny tweak here and there. But if there's one thing that doesn't change, it's how interesting this magazine is. That's why, in my opinion, this magazine will always live up to its title.
It'll always be In Style.
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