Friday, May 15, 2009

Dynamic City

Yes, HKG is a dynamic city, in more ways that one. When I was still residing here, I'd be amazed at how things sprout out of nowhere, or how a store can change from one form to another in a matter of months. There really is no time to get bored here.

On the downside, you tend to lose sight of your favorites. It's been less than 2 months since my last visit, and a lot - and I mean a LOT - of my favorite places have vanished. Hard Rock Cafe - my "comfort food restaurant" - has disappeared and in it's place is a new branch of H&M. (Okay, maybe it isn't too bad.)

The huge jewelry store in TST that boasted of a gold chariot has melted and now it's another Giordano store. Gosh, the new Giordano is just 5 stores away from an old Giordano! The restaurant in Kimberly Road is now abandoned. Accelerators Hotel has now been replaced by a newer - and seemingly classier - hotel.

All this dynamism can be a damper, especially for me. I was SO looking forward to eating at that restaurant and trekked all the way to TST for it, but it was gone.

Sometimes being too dynamic isn't such a good thing.

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