This is Jamie King.

This is Jamie Pressley.
Movies featuring either of them require me to sit through the credits just to make sure I'm getting the right Jaime. And if my recollection is correct, Jamie Pressly is the girl from "My Name is Earl" and "Not another Teen Movie" while Jamie King appeared in "Pearl Harbor" and "Bulletproof Monk."
Another set of actresses that have confused me of late are the two "Jennifers."

This is Ginnifer Goodwin.

This is Jennifer Morrison.
When I saw the preview of "Big Stan" last year, my first reaction was: "What? Ginnifer Goodwin is doing a slapstick? That's a big jump down from her brilliance in 'Big Love'." But upon seeing the movie poster and reading the cast list, it turned out to be Jennifer Morrison. But again, Jennifer did look like Ginnifer in that movie. Just like Ginnifer looked like Jennifer in the trailer of another movie.
Gosh. I'm getting confused again.
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