Saturday, January 24, 2009

Computer friendly

It's been a while since I flew with PAL, and that means it's been a while since I've last seen NAIA 2. Considering that this airport is more than a decade old, it's great how they've maintained and improved it. It's still looks pretty new, thanks to the clear glasses and shiny metal. (Compared to the Suvarnabhumi airport that already looks a bit worn after less than 2 years.)

Yes, it may be small, but it's convenient, clean -- very business-like. Everything's within reach and things are efficient. My only complaint, though, is that they don't have enough restrooms. Plus, the men's room looks like it needs a bit of refurbishing.

What surprised me this time is that they're making the airport tech-friendly. Aside from having free wifi, they also have these scattered all over the North Wing.

They have workstations, ergonomic chairs, charging areas - everything a laptop computer user will need to do business.

Maybe they should do the same for Terminal 1. A bit more refurbishing will do them a lot of good.

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