Thursday, January 17, 2008


The past few days have been bringing in all sorts of news, from close friends, former colleagues, current clients and former agency work mates. The bits of news are unrelated and each one exists in its own universe. But after putting all the little, unrelated bits down and pulling back to look at the big picture, it turns out that they are aligned in one way or another. And in so aligning, I realized that it's sort of a road map that points me to the next big adventure.

I've always been an adventurer. Once, I backpacked across Thailand with only a book and map on hand - getting lost twice but relished the feeling of not knowing what's next. During a trip to Europe, my friend and I boarded a car and drove to 4 countries we both haven't been to, with only some computer print outs to guide us. We got lost a couple of times, and while he was shouting in frustration, I was relishing the feeling of finding out where to go next.

I'm ready for the next big adventure. I think I've put my life on hold for a good amount of time and the signs are asking me to move forward. I might not know what's ahead, but if the signs that recently aligned are any indication, it's definitely a more worthwhile and more enriching place.

Yesterday, I was going through my friend's blog and she wrote about her recent move back to Manila. It was interesting to read her thoughts and little frustrations because they were the exact same things running in my mind last weekend. I'm amazed at the fact that we're world's apart, but also similar in some ways. This star is probably the star that's supposed to guide me to where I should be headed.

Gosh, all these thoughts about stars and alignment reminds me of this 5th Dimension song that we used to sing in our High School choir. Good thing they have it on youtube. This is a joy to watch - like going on an acid trip without the acid.

Maybe the moon is in the 7th house, and Jupiter has aligned with Mars. That means peace will guide our planets, and love will steer the stars.

It's the dawning of the age of Aquarius! Harharhar.

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