What i've been buying a lot lately are Abercrombie and Fitch shirts. Since these are mostly made in Hong Kong, China and Macau, it's no surprise that you can find a lot of these in Sample Fashion stores. While there may be a dearth in design choices, the ones they have are pretty decent -- usually the A&F signature moose in its many permutations. There's also an interesting yellow shirt with a 70s type print and the line: "Snorkeling is Sexy" emblazoned in front. Good thing the phrase is in English, because "Ang Sarap Sumisisid" would definitely have a lot of raunchy connotations.

Then again, that line sends out the same signal as my "Hot FCUK" shirt, methinks...
Trouble with these shops though is finding my size. Most of the shirts with ultra-hip-cool-awesome-radically-out-of-this-world designs are in Large or Extra Large. There are a couple in Medium, and thankfully, I fit in some of them. But if they had all those designs in Small, I'd be a very happy - albeit very poor - man.
Aside from the shirts, I came across certain gems in the pants department. My lovely finds include an American Eagle cargo in dark khaki, and a Hollister Co. bermuda short in cream. They both cost around HK$60, which is practically a steal in this part of Asia.
I would have also hit the gold mine on jackets if only they had them in my size. They've got loads of great A&F track jackets, alas, most of them are in Extra Large. That's why when I chanced upon a black Hollister Co. track jacket, I only needed a nanosecond to think about it, then it ended up in my purchase pile. It's about time I gave my H&M "Las Vegas" jacket a trip to the Laundromat.
Girls have the upper hand in Sample Fashion stores since 3/4 of their stuff are for girls. Aside from the aforementioned A&F and Hollister Co. shirts (and they've got a lot of those), you've got brands like American Eagle, Express, Ann Taylor, H&M, Gap, Banana Republic, Huhn Tahn, plus some European sounding brands.
To ease my shopping guilt, i've actually bought some stuff for my sisters, and i'm sure they'll be tickled pink with the loot i've got them. A&F bermuda shorts in classic white, Hollister beaded shirts, an Express beaded halter top, plus a few boho pieces with some strange Chinese sounding brand.
After scouring one Sample Fashion store after the other, I suddenly miss Surplus Shop even more. Hands down, we've got better choices back in Manila, and the stores are much bigger, not to mention better organized. I could never let a week pass without dropping by their branches in Cubao, Megamall and Makati. Now it's been more than 8 weeks, and I haven't paid homage to the Shrine of Surplus Stuff.
Imagine all the great loot i'm missing. *sigh*
I'm going to Manila before this month ends. Hope they'll have new stocks in Surplus Shop when I do.
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