Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Making/Make a difference

On my way to the office, I saw a Pizza Hut billboard and noticed something different. I realized a few seconds later that they changed their tagline.

Here's the classic tagline that I remember:

And here's their current tagline:

The change is very, very minor. They swapped "makin'" for "make." But the difference that word made is huge.

When you say "Makin' it great," it's actually Pizza Hut talking about making its pizza. So, it's a very manufacturer-centered thought. But with "Make it Great," it's more consumer-centered, and the thought is that when you eat at Pizza Hut, you make something great. So, whether it's a regular lunch with friends or a celebration with colleagues, you make the experience great with Pizza Hut.

I must say, after seeing the new tagline, I'm lovin' it.

(Oops, that's a different brand. Harhar.)

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