Monday, December 19, 2011

Of on-line journalism

Last Friday, one of the last groups to defend was the "On-line Journalism" group. They studied the intricacies and idiosyncracies of news on the web, and what are the problems unique to it.

One of their findings was that because of the speed of on-line journalism, it's inevitable that errors will pepper the news item. Most often, these are grammatical or spelling in nature, and the writers and editors tend to overlook them because of their need for speed.

While browsing through the net, I saw that finding in action. This was an Australian News website's report on the death of Kim Jong Il.

While reading the article, I wondered what "shoed" meant. Were the people hit with a shoe to get them to cry?

I think on-line news sites should hire more proofreaders. This kind of error happens more often than it should.

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