And of course, there was the laughter. The laughter that was brought about by the most mundane of things. From Richard Reynoso to Boob Massages. From our Comm 199 teacher's "toothy incident", to Grace's "Paul fiascos." It was laughter that was so full, rich and hard, it brought a lot of people to tears. Myself included.
We used to do this in college. At Tia Maria's after class. At Lezyl's house. During overnight get togethers. And during random moments when we just felt like it.
And now, more than a decade after college, we're at it again.

(This is the "buzzed" group pic taken by Vince. Audrey and Becca were already sound asleep by this time. And it looks like Alfie and Lezyl had their best "tipsy faces" on. There were a lot more pre-Tanduay Ice pics, but I have to charge my camera's batteries. And Vince has to upload his share of photos, too.)
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