Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Yo Jo!

Being a good citizen of the PI, Joannah flew in this week to - as she put it - be held up by the government. Imagine, taking a 3 hour plane trip just to pay taxes! More Filipinos should be like her. Jo for Prez! Harhar.

And since she was in town, we gathered the usual SMC suspects for Lunch yesterday. A lot of people made it, along with folks I haven't seen in a long time - like Elsie and Tita Becs. It was a wonderful reunion, full of walks down memory lane (like Maricar's "igorot dance" fiasco) and a lot of catching up.

Joannah counts as the friend I've seen in the most number of countries. Aside from Manila, we met up and hung out in: SG, BKK, HKG and - technically - Malaysia.
The setting may be different, but the fun we have is always the same. Maybe we should take our meet ups out of Asia and onto Europe and the US next time.

It's amazing how, after more than a decade, we still get together and hang out as if we were all still working at the Podium Level of SMC. Then again, you know what they say about true friendships. They never grow old, they just keep on getting better.

Great to see you again, Jo! And looking forward to our next get together. (Which is tomorrow...)
(This is me trying to smile with a mouth full of food.)

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