Sunday, May 29, 2022


That expression is one of the first words that I learned during my HKG stint.

"Wah!!!" is the usual expression when Hong Kongers are surprised, impressed, happy, bamboozled, among many others.

Today, it was my turn to say "Wah!!!' And not just a plain "Wah!!!" but "Kee Wah!!!"

Kee Wah Bakery is a staple in HKG. I'd go to the nearby branch in TST twice a month to buy my favourite egg rolls and their floss stuffed egg rolls. 

They also have a big store in Chek Lap Kok, that's why Kee Wah was my go-to pasalubong each trip back to MNL.

I'm so glad that they've finally opened a store here in  MNL! 

Floss-stuffed egg rolls, here I come!

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