Saturday, December 18, 2021

Sweet childhood

These 4 products - all neatly in a row on Shopee - pretty much defines my childhood.

Yes, they're the sweets that I'd buy in our neighbourhood sari-sari stores - owned by Aling Ensa and Mommy Gallegos. They would have Haw Flakes, Choc-Nut and Tarzan arranged neatly in bottles, which always made me smile.

Stay Fresh, on the other hand, was something I'd buy in our school canteen in Claret. It was my "dessert" after recess or lunch.

Then, when we'd go on a supermarket run at Hi-Top, Tops, Queen's or Unimart, we'd buy them by the pack. Yes, all 4 of them.

Now, because of this sighting, and post, I'm putting these 4 in my cart as well.

My cart is going to look sweet in a bit.

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