Saturday, May 22, 2021

You're a Geno's!

If there's one item that's an additional mainstay in our freezers since June last year, it has to be this!

Yup, Geno's Ice Cream!

People who've been to Las Casas Filipinas de Acuzar know this brand as the ice cream that they serve in the resort. They're famous for their taro or gabi ice cream, which is the resort's best seller. I still remember a few visits to Las Casas where they ran out of taro ice cream due to the high demand.

No surprise there since that flavour really is da bomb!

Last year, we found out that there's a reseller near our area! And the rest is frozen in history! (Frozen. Ice Cream. Get it? Nudge-nudge-wink-wink!)

We can't get enough of it that's why whenever we're about to finish a gallon, we order a new one. It's a case of FOMOOG.

The great thing about having this often is that we got to try their other flavours as well. While the taro is really yummers, their mango, strawberry, chocolate and peanuts, and avocado are equally delicious!

Our Geno's obsession made me feel bad for our other go-to ice cream brands who were kicked out of the freezer. That line-up includes Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia, Big Scoop's Bubble Gum Mallows and Mint Chocolate Chip, and Tilamook Vanilla!

While they're all so yummy, Geno's looks like it's going to have a secure spot in our freezer for a while.

But if - by any chance - Bohol Bee Farm's Ice Cream finds its way to Manila, well, that situation might change.

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